Evidence-based, cost-effective, safe. . . Licensed Acupuncture.
Experienced Treatment Providers
Doug Petrie received his Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in December 2009. The Master of Science program is a four-year, 3045 hour program including more than 900 hours of clinical practice. Doug is also a Diplomat of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, which includes Chinese Herbology by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Our Promise
Doug Petrie, Acupuncture Works, Inc., Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Clinic complies with all rules and regulations set forth by the Kansas Board of Healing Arts, including the sanitation of acupuncture treatment rooms and offices.
For your safety, we only utilize single-use, disposable, factory-sanitized needles.
Licensing and Training
Acupuncture is more effective when received from fully trained professionals with the credentials “L. Ac.” or “Licensed Acupuncturist.”
MDs, DOs, and Chiropractors can practice acupuncture with some training, usually a minimum of 100 hours for Chiropractors and 300 hours for Physicians.
L. Ac. training is generally a three-year, post-graduate degree in Acupuncture or a four-year post graduate degree in Oriental Medicine, which includes herbal education as well as acupuncture.
For your best and most effective results, we recommend seeing only Licensed Acupuncturists.
No, certificates and licensing are not the same. Chiropractors usually train for only 100 hours and physicians for only 300 hours to be awarded a Certificate in Acupuncture.
To become a Licensed Acupuncturist, you must complete an over 3000 hour program and a 900 hour practicum.
For your best and most effective results, we recommend seeing only Licensed Acupuncturists.
The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts oversees licensing of acupuncture specialists with the title of Licensed Acupuncturist or L.Ac in Kansas. The Kansas Acupuncture Practice Act was passed May 13, 2016 and became effective in July 2017.
Doug received his Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in December 2009. The Master of Science program is a four year, 3045 hour program including more than 900 hours of clinical practice.
He is also a Diplomat of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, which includes Chinese Herbology by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
As the former President of KSAOM, Doug currently acts as the organization’s Legislative Chairman. He is a member of the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM) and received certification for advanced external QiGong healing techniques that were originally taught by Taoist Master Xun Xiang Tseng in 2003.
Doug possesses all the training and expertise in the recommendation and application of adjunctive therapies and herbs as defined by traditional Oriental medical concepts.
Yes. The State requires 30 hours of continuing education every two years to maintain licensing. Federal requirements are 60 hours every four years.
Included are classes in categories such as biomedicine, ethics and safety, CPR and professional studies in order to keep current with medicine that is over 3000 years old. :)
For your convenience, we have provided you with several important resources relating to Acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Call for questions or to schedule an appointment.
Licensed Acupuncture
Evidence-based, cost effective and safe.
Learn more about what is required to be a licensed acupuncture practitioner and why it’s important. EXPLORE MORE
Opioid Pain Relief
In an effort to reverse opioid over-use and abuse, the American College of Physicians, CDC, and FDA have proposed changes in prescribing guidelines for pain management and have recommended acupuncture as an alternative pain treatment to opioid use. DISCOVER MORE DETAILS
Learn more about Kansas Association of Oriental Medicine (KsAOM), the professional organization for Licensed Acupuncturists in Kansas. VISIT KSAOM

I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis by two doctors. Each prescribed exercises, a contraption to wear at night, but no remedy. The next step was surgery. A friend suggested acupuncture and referred me to Dr. Doug. After six weeks, I had no more pain! Dr. Doug is an amazing professional with a vast amount of knowledge. I would highly recommend his service.